الصغار في رياض الأطفال
نوفر لهم البيئة التي تعزز التعلم من خلال
الخبرة والاستكشاف
Students in Kindergarten are provided with an
Environment that promotes learning through
Experience and exploration
Ms. Shari Hufford
│ Kindergarten Principal │ Riyadh Campus
Al Forsan International Schools│
I am Shari Hufford, the Kindergarten Principal here at Al Forsan International Schools - Riyadh.
I am looking forward to my seventh year here at Al Forsan International Schools.
Born and trained in the USA, I have over 24 years of experience working with children and young people from 5-19 yrs old, teaching, managing, leading and training staff here in Saudi Arabia.
It is a privilege to have been given the opportunity to work here at Al Forsan International Schools. While I have embraced and understood the culture of the region, I have learned about the education systems in International Schools of Saudi Arabia.
I enjoy working in a global environment with such a wonderful and supportive team.
Our aim is for children to love school and learning. Whether classes are face-to-face or online, we strongly believe that our children will achieve and reach their full potential.
We provide a nurturing, stimulating and challenging environment whether physical or online; a learning environment where the children can explore and investigate safely.
Children are given the time to think and respond independently as well as the opportunity to learn to be responsible and respectful to everyone and everything around them, setting the foundations to become great global and ethical individuals.
We use the Pearson Program, based on Common Core State Standards. Our program supports our student's existing skills and provides them with further opportunities to become independent, confident and innovative learners.
Our children are also provided with opportunities to be creative and imaginative. We keep them engaged in their love of learning which helps them be ready for further stages of their learning journey either in school or online.
I am happy and excited to be part of another successful year at Al Forsan International Schools.
We look forward to meeting our parents and students soon.